
Bent Opener by Michael Menduno

Straighting Out The Bends- Part of an Ongoing Research Project on the Social Reaction and Stigma Surrounding Decompression Illness by Jennifer C. Hunt

Goodby Bends

Goodbye Decompression Sickness. Hello Disorders: A New approach To Classification by T.J.R. Francis, D.J. Smith and J.J. W. Sykes, Institute of Naval Medicine, Hampshire, England.

Table 1

Table 2

USN Table

In Water Recompression

The Australian Method

The Australian Method graphic

The Hawaiian Method

The Navy Method

In-Water Oxygen Recompression: A Potential Field Treatment Option For Technical Divers- by Dr. Carl Edmonds

Inwater Recompression: The Hawaiian Experience- by Richard L. Pyle

The Case for In-Water Recompression- Just when they told you it wasn't safe to go back into the water. by Richard L. Pyle and David A. Youngblood

IWR Case Studies

In-water Recompression as an Emergency Field Treatmentof Decompression Illness. by Richard L. Pyle and David A. Youngblood